Monday, January 28, 2013

Baby's Welcome Home Party

The family came over to welcome baby home!

Baby was welcomed into the world southern style with a delicious fried chicken dinner prepared by Grandpop!


After the party and all the visiting family returned home, 
Mommy and Daddy now had to learn how to split our time and attention between 
the two loves of our lives.  

We quickly learned a lot of snuggles and kisses go a long way!

Big sister couldn't be more proud of her new title and 
has been such a help and lovebug towards her little brother!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Welcome to the World Baby

With the addition to our family, the holidays,an epidemic of sickness that spread through our family, and computer problems, we are WAY behind on our blogging! So here is what has been happening since our precious bundle of joy entered our lives.

Our Hospital Stay 

Big sister's first time meeting her brother.

Big sister and both Grandma's look as baby gets his first bath in the nursery.

Proud Grandma and Grandpop

And Nana and Papa

and proud Aunts!

This was the second day in the hospital.  
Most babies lose weight after they are born, however, this guy gained an ounce.  
That's right it does say 9 pounds!!

Big Sister used a hospital blanket to wrap up her baby doll just like her little brother.

Some of the nurses did question her on her way out to make sure she wasn't taking a real baby!

Big sister really doesn't like to hear her little brother cry!

Heading home!

We're home!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Our New Arrival

The newest member of our family has arrived!

A beautiful, precious, perfect little boy,
 (almost 9 lb. boy...not so little!)

Very wise for his age already!

Daddy's little man!

And a little boy to melt Mommy's heart!

Welcome to the world!
We are so happy you are here and love you so very much!