Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend Part 2

We went to the Christmas tree farm to chop down our Christmas tree!  
With a new baby due any day, Mommy wants everything decorated ASAP!!

It was very cold so we had to bundle up!

We found it!!

Daddy's chopping it down!


Grandma found a little nest from our tree.

On our way to the tractor.

Wave to both Grandmas!

Inside the gift shop for apple cider and funnel cake!

Daddy putting the tree in the stand. 

Our little tree hugger!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend Part 1

We had a very nice and relaxing and VERY yummy Thanksgiving dinner at Nana and Papa's house.


Even Buddy got a little Thanksgiving dinner!

Playing hide and seek with JuJu and Dan.

Then on Saturday, Daddy and his friends participated in their annual leaf blowing party!  

Thanks guys!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

We have survived Hurricane Sandy!  
We are very fortunate that our home is completely fine.  We were without power for 12 days, but had a generator by day 3, so we were fine (thanks to Papa and the McGuigan gang). We had a fun hurricane party with 11 people camping out at our house for a few nights, which slowly dwindled down day by day as friends and family were able to get back into their homes.  Unfortunately, some family homes were severely damaged by the storm, but all in all we are here and healthy and have had each other to help out and keep warm.     

With all these people around, I had enough attention to last me a lifetime!!

Daddy had to work nights all throughout the storm.  He was very brave and had many sad and scary stories to tell us when he got home.  Here are some shots from the storm, but none seem to show the severity of how much damage the storm actually did.  

This is 4 hours before the highest tide.

Daddy was in this truck trying to evacuate the people in this house.  The truck got stuck and submerged in water before they could leave.  A front-end loader had to come and help complete the rescue.

Ocean Ave. in Avon.

This is the basement of one of the family houses after the storm.  
The basement was completely filled with water.
(If you know how neat my Daddy's side of the family is, 
you know it would NEVER look like this on a normal day!)

Basement Clean-out

Since the storm happened over Halloween, 
the Governor declared Halloween postponed until November 5th.  
So after many hard days of work from everyone cleaning out houses, 
we took a little break to celebrate Halloween! 

I was a unicorn!

Like most neighborhoods, ours was without power.  Our neighborhood was hit pretty hard by the storm and did not participate in trick-or-treating on November 5th, but we found a nearby one that did.  There has been a curfew in place from dusk till dawn, so we trick-or-treated in the daytime.

After about 6 houses, I decided I had enough candy and was ready to go warm up by the fire!

And would you believe it...a few days later...IT SNOWED!!

And all this fun happened with NO POWER!  

Though it is easy to get down with all the tragedy around us, all in all, it has been a fun 2 weeks.
Mommy was off from school and we got a lot done for the 
preparation of the new baby (somebody's nesting) and spent a lot of special time 
together before our new arrival in just 3 weeks!

Sometimes hard times can be blessings in disguise!