Grandma came back for a visit and this time I got her all to myself!
We had SO much fun!
She brought some clothes for the new baby coming soon!
Grandma and Nana went to an ultrasound appointment with Mommy and Daddy.
They brought home tons of pictures to show me of my little brother or sister!
We got all dressed up and went out to a fancy dinner
Grandma gave Mommy and I lots of cooking lessons throughout the week.
Like how to paint a chicken!
And make a meatloaf.

Grandma gave me manis and pedis!
We did some shopping!
Of course Whaley and I had to show off our boogie boarding skills!
Mommy and Daddy got a night out while Grandma and I had a girl's night at home.
Thank you so much Grandma for such a fun week.
We miss you SO much already and can't wait for you to come back!