Thursday, September 8, 2011

Best Friends

You friends are really hard to find...

 They don't mind if things get a little messy sometimes!

Especially when they get to help you clean it all up!  

They are there to listen about all of life's big problems.

And most importantly, best friends can always make you laugh!

Thanks Whaley for being my best friend (and a great dinner date)!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Grandma's Visit (Final Edition)

We also went to the Cape May Zoo while Grandma was here. 
I love animals and she loves zoos, so we took Mommy and Papa with us for the day.

But the thing that Grandma loves more than anything else, is the beach...just like me! 
We had such a great time on this beautiful day at the Jersey Shore! 

Grandma sure knows how to have a great time! 
Thank you Grandma for coming to visit, please come back soon!
"Bye, Ya"ll"!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Grandma's Visit (Part2)

When Grandma comes to visit, we always have THE BEST of times!

We eat lots of yummy food...
(Zeppoles at the Point Pleasant Boardwalk)

She reads me lots of stories!

And brings me LOTS of prizes!

We talk about everything...

And share lots of laughs too!

Grandpop couldn't join Grandma for her visit.  So he sent all the girls these beautiful flowers to let us know how much he wished he could be here.  The yellow roses were for Grandma, the red ones were for Mommy, and the prettiest pink (I called it purple because purple is my favorite) was just for me!

Thank you Grandpop for making all us girls feel special!